Sunday, January 31, 2010

Basketball Fever

Aidan's basketball season has begun and he is loving it again this year. He has kicked it up a notch by player on an intramural team on Friday nights. So now we have basketball on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Thankfully this is a sport we love to watch so we don't mind!

We had a phantom fever running through our house this past week. Cian, Fintan and Maeve were all affected at different times. Thankfully Cian and Fintan were only sick for 24 hrs. Maeve decided to hold onto that fever for SIX days. It was so frustrating because nothing else was wrong with her. Towards the end of the fever she developed a nice cough that is still present, but otherwise she is back to normal now!

Well that is it from our end. Life is quickly moving along as always. Some days we have to remind ourselves to slow down and enjoy the scenery.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy Kids

At least the cold weather and indoor-only activities do not have the kids' spirits down. They are managing to stay happy and have fun even when cooped up inside!

Any suggestions for hanging 6-8 coats in a small space? We cannot seem to keep up with the coats and shoes around here (especially in the winter!).

Happy girl
Shoeless Fintan.

32 + degrees

I never thought I would be so excited to see a forcast with temperatures in the upper 30's. I am so OVER the snow!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holiday Recap

We had quite the unusual holiday experience this year with all the snow. Unfortunately many of our family gatherings were cancelled due to poor road conditions and we had one nasty stomach flu that attempted to ruin everyone's fun. In the end, it all worked out well and we were able to make the most of all the days. I hope you all had a great holiday season and Happy New Year!


Aidan and Cian rounding the stairs to see all their treasures. When Aidan was still on the stairs he asked, "Dad do you see any coal?"

Aidan was struck with a stomach virus around 1am and was over the toilet every 15-30 minutes all night. Fortunately he was able to feel well for a few minutes while we opened presents.

Fintan opening gifts at Mimi and Papa's house.
Maeve loves her Kai Lan toys! Maeve had a great first Christmas, though like most 2 year-olds, she didn't quite get the whole experience.
Cian opening gifts at Mimi and Papa's
New Year's Eve
The boys and their cousins celebrating as the ball dropped. This is the most exciting night of their year. They absolutely love New Year's and the thought of staying up until midnight is such a thrill. We are always regretting it in the morning, but it is worth it for one night!
Fintan having a serious moment and thinking about his resolutions for the New Year. My vote is less fighting with his siblings!
Cian and Mimi
Aidan and cousin Bennett
Cian ringing in the New Year!