This is A. He is five years old. He is our oldest and just a great all around kiddo. He will be starting Kindergarten in the fall and we are so excited for him to move into this next phase. He goes to a Catholic school and will continue at this same school next year. This is great because A is a bit shy at times and he is already very comfortable at this school. It should be an easy transition for him. A is our sensitive child. A stern look in his direction when he is doing something wrong can melt him into tears. He is a very easy child to parent (so far!). He is very smart and very enjoyable to be around. A loves to laugh! He has been speaking in almost full sentences since around 15mo old, so A is a constant sponge for information. His favorite things in life are going to Texas to visit his grandma/grandpa and going to Mimi and Papa's (other grandparents) lakehouse.

This is C. He is three years old and is our middle son. C made his debut into this world 7 weeks premature and has been keeping us on our toes ever since. We never really know what he is going to do next. As opposed to A, C can be difficult to parent because he does not seem to get too upset if he does anything wrong. This can be frustrating as he is throwing his hotwheel car across the room for the fifth time in a day. On the other hand, C is the most affectionate child we have. He is very loving and constantly coming up to us for hugs and kisses. He is always up for snuggling and is just a cute as can be. He has a smile that can light up a room. C is very shy around new people and it is fun to see people get him out of his shell.

This is F. He is 18mo old and our youngest son. He is still declaring his personality in our house, but has proven so far to be a very easily going spirit. He is
very happy. He is learning to talk right now and has a lot to say (wouldn't you with two older brothers!). So far most of his speak is uncomprehensible, but we can catch his drift most of the time. Words he does say are bottle, hot, light, no, mama (though everyone from mom, dad, mimi, grandma, grandpa and papa represent "mama"), Leo (our dog), outside, bye-bye and night-night. He probably says more, but that is what I can think of at this time. F loves to be around his brothers and it is really fun to see him interact with them. He is in that exploring phase where every thing is new to him and it is really amazing to watch a child see all of their "firsts" in life.
So that is a very brief synopsis of our kids. As everyone with children knows, you cannot even begin to explain your children's personalities in one little paragraph, but that gives you an idea of each of them. I will be talking about them a great deal on this site, so I wanted you all to know who they are!