Sunday, September 23, 2007
Busy life
I haven't posted in awhile as we have been very busy. Susie's parents were in town for the weekend (last weekend). We went out to ea
t Friday night and had A's 1st soccer game Saturday. Sunday we had Evan's baptism and a lunch at Laura and Eric's house. Dave and Jane stayed until Tuesday morning, so Jane and Susie did some shopping and got some fabric to make drapes for our den/play room. Susie then finished those this week. This weekend Susie went to the plaza art fair with some neighbor girls. When they got home I was dragged out to a midnight poker game with the husbands. It turned out to be lots of fun, but little sleep! Last night was our parish Fiesta. It is essentially our school's carnival, but the proceeds benefit our sister parish in Latin America. It is lots of fun for the kids (inflatables, carnival games, face painting etc) and little fun for adults! It didn't help that I was there solo because Susie was working. This is Susie's last weekend of working nights though so that made it okay. I am so excited to have her on a normal schedule. She will continue to only work 2 days/week, but it will be during the week and some occasional weekends. This is also elimate our need for daycare so that will be nice. Hopefully this will improve her perpetual fatigue! Today we are laying around and going to watch the Chiefs lose their home opener...should be fun!
Thanks Cathy and Felix
Sunday, September 9, 2007
A had his first soccer practice yesterday morning. We were able to get cleets, socks, shin guards and a ball at the sporting goods store all in a package deal. He looks very professional now.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Happy Birthday F!!
We celebrated F's birthday on Thursday night a had a nice party for him. We had his cousins, Madeline, Griffin and Evan over and some neighbor friends, Ella, Audra, Cooper, Sophia, PJ and Mario. We learned that F DOES NOT like
to be the center of attention. He was not excited when everyone was singing to him (as you can see). Susie made enough food to feed an army, so her and the boys will be eating briskit for the next month!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Nearly Completed
The swingset is up and complete. We are still working are the
surrounding area before we will be done, but we are pretty close. We were able to finish the swing set on Monday (very Labor Day for us!). Today we added some landscape timbers around the area to separate it from the rest of the yard and killed all the grass with some super toxic spray. Tomorrow we will have
more mulch than we can possible use delivered to our drive way. We will fill in the whole area around the playset with mulch and hopefully it will look really nice! The boys are absolutely loving it and A keeps thanking us for building it. We spent the entire past two evenings relaxing on the deck while the kids played in the yard. It is great!
Tomorrow is F's 2nd birthday!! I can't believe
he is already two...the time has flown by us. We still think of him as a baby. It is weird to think that both A and C had a younger sibling by the time they turned two and I can't imagine us with an infant right now. We are having our family over Thursday to have a dinner party for F because tomorrow
was too hectic for everyone's schedules. Here are some pictures of the boys today. You can see why we love the fact that C has started school, because this picture could be taken of him every night after school by about 6:00pm.
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