Saturday, December 29, 2007
FYI...comments on this blog are intended for family and friends only. Peolple who have migrated here can read at your own risk. Do not leave me comments about what you like or dislike about my thoughts. Thank you.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Winter Wonderland
We got about 2 inches of snow the other day (though the meteorologist predicted much more). This was plenty of snow for sledding. We have a few small hills (not even a real hill) in our front yard and up until yesterday, this was the closest the kids have gotten to real sledding. Yesterday (and today!!) I took them to a GIANT hill by our house. It is one of the best sledd
ing hills I have ever seen. The great part is that there are different levels of steepness, so any age kid (within reason) can enjoy themselves. The boys loved it, except F who just hates being outside in the cold. It was so fun to sled with C because you could just feel the joy inside of him. He cackled, screamed and laughed his way down the hill each and every time. It was very co
ol. It sounds like the temperatures are supposed to rise this week, so we will most likely be loosing the snow soon. I am glad we had the weekend to get lots of good sledding in!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A Christmas Miracle
If any of you know A, you know he likes to talk! That boy can ask more questions than any child I know. I have never known him to not have something to ask. Usually he slowly falls asleep
at night in between questions. Last night as we were lying in bed he was going through his usual randomness of questions. "Dad, why were you pretending to be asleep downstairs?" "What part of the Earth do we live on?" "Why is the North Pole so cold?" "How come freezing rain isn't snow?" "Can I live at home while I go to college?"
Then as if the skies opened...he said..."I am all out of questions now."
I almost fell out of bed!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ice Day
Schools are out today....for no apparent reason. A's school (along with all the others in the city) was cancelled last night around 10:00pm. This clearly was based upon meteorologist predictions, which like always, were wrong. We do have ice on the trees, but the temperature didn't fall below 32 last night, so the roads are fine. We spent the whole morning out running errands and there is not a spot of ice on any road!! Oh well! Any good ideas for cooped up kids?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Long time, No blog
Sorry for the long delay between blog entries. Sometimes, life just gets away from me here. Since I last wrote, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving trip to Texas. Susie and the boys flew down on Monday before Thanksgiving and I left in the car the following morning. It was great to see Cathy, Felix and Miles since we don't get to spend much time with them. The kids all got along great which was nice. We actually had some cold weather in Texas and it snowed on Thanksgiving!! 

When we arrived back home, we headed down to our neighbors house to visit with our friends from Canada who were in town for the week. It was great to see them and their kids. Later that week we celebrated A's birthday party. His birthday was a couple weeks before, but with the trip and some other weekend commitments, we weren't able to dedicate anytime to it. He had about 12 friends over for a chaotic 2 hr Cars-themed party. Actually, they did really well. It was a nice change to have children who have attention spans and can concentrate on a project for 15-20 minutes (unlike Cian's friends who did their art-projects for about 2-3 minutes!). The day before the party, C and F decided to get into the clippers (again!!) and give themselves some nice haircuts. I had to shave them down to near nothing to make it look semi-decent, but F got his so short there was no making his look good!! Thank goodness we have boys and not girls!
We have also visited Santa at a few different locations (3) and the kids continue to be deathly afraid of that man. We were able to get C to actually sit on his lap for about 5 seconds at one place. Both A and C have told him on 2 occasions what they want (arts and crafts set for A and storm troopers for C), so they are pretty confident Santa will bring them the right thing! Poor F just doesn't get the idea of Christmas just yet, but that is okay for us because the longer we can pacify him with one or two cheapo presents, the better!!
Now old-man winter is really letting us have it here as we are expecting quite the ice storm tonight. I am fully expecting school to be cancelled tomorrow and us to loose some vital power source over the night. Let's hope for the best!!
Here are some pictures of the last few weeks...
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