Congratulations to two of my very good friends, Cassie and Maria. Maria was married last weekend and Cassie tied the knot last

night. Maria's wedding was here in town. We had a wonderful time, not only at the wedding, but the whole weekend was great. My parents offered to take the kids up to the lake, so we had the whole weekend alone. We got more accomplished in those days than we have done in weeks! Maria's family is Greek, so the festivities were very My Big Fat Greek Wedding esque. It was very cool. We also really enjoyed spending time with all of my high school friends who are now spread across the country from LA to KC to Chicago to New York, Boston, and Philly. H

ere are some pictures from the weekend.

Cassie got married last night in Mexico. Because of the timing so close to Maria's wedding, we were not able to make it to the wedding and we are very bummed about that! We wish Cassie and Gary the best!! Here is a picture of Cassie, but that's not her new hubby...that one of our friends Danny.