We had another great St. Patty's day this year. Our party was almost ruined by cold weather and rain, but the Irish spirit can't be broken. We had a great turn out and some great fun! By the end of the day our house was covered in mud and so were our kids, but we had a blast and can't wait for next year!!
Last year Maeve landed in the US the night before our St. Pat's parade party. It all seems like a blur now. This year we were all able to enjoy ourselves much more!
All the grand kids and Mimi and Papa. My parents are doing great! My dad has recovered from his surgery and is nearly perfect. My mom had her BIG surgery this past week. She is such a champion! One day later she was home and feeling great. She had such a long past 3 months of chemo so it was great to see her rebound so quickly from surgery. She still has a long road to go, but all the prayers are working!!