- Traveled to St. Louis to Shriner's Hospital for Children. Met a wonderful doctor who is going to do some amazing surgeries on Maeve's hands and feet in the Fall.
- Cian graduated from Kindergarten--so fun!
- Aidan finished up 2nd grade
- Fintan finished pre-school and moves onto Pre-K
- Opened the lake house and Cian catches the first fish of the season!
- Celebrated another year in my life :)
- Welcomed three new cousins into our family (Ainsley, Janie and Josie)!!!
- Had a wonderfully relaxing Memorial Day at the lake
- Had a great visit from Grandma and Grandpa
- First day at the pool!!
I'm sure there are some other things too. We are now fully into summer with later bedtimes and sun kissed skin. Aidan and Cian start swim team next week and Fintan start swim lessons too. We are looking forward to our trips to Hilton Head and Dallas this summer. Lots of fun to be had! I love summer!!!
Maeve, Cian, Madeline (cousin) and Aidan getting ready for birthday cupcakes (Caitlin's birthday).
Maeve enjoying breakfast at the Embassy Suites (our favorite hotel) in St. Louis before her Shriner's appt.
Fintan not-so-much-enjoying breakfast.
Cian with his prized first catch of the season!
Cian and his uber-excellent Kindergarten teacher.
Miss Maeve