Cian happily opening gifts on the morning of the b-day.
Waiting for the guests to arrive.
Maeve's first bowling experience. We weren't even planning on her playing when one of the boys didn't show up. She loved it!
Aidan, as usual, taking things seriously.
Siblings and cousins take a break as they watch Maeve's ball S.L.O.W.L.Y roll down the lane. I think Maeve single handily added 45 minutes onto her lane's time.
Getting ready to cut the cake.
Sadly, this is the only picture I took at Aidan's party. I know--greatest parent in the world award is coming my way. I again blame the camera for breaking (I think) or the bad laser tag atmosphere for picture taking. Either way, you will have to take my word for it when I tell you he had a great time with a big smile on his face.