We had a very nice weekend. I went up to the lake with C and F. We had a really good time. It was kind of nice being alone with my parents because I felt like the boys got a lot of one-on-one attention from them and it was a pretty peaceful weekend. We got in some good skiing and some even better lounging. Susie stayed home to attend a self-defense class. There was a horrible attack and murder of a college aged girl a few years ago in our area. The killer has been caught, but it still left the community feeling vulnerable. The victim's father has a saying..."Benjamin (killer) picked a fight with Ali (his daughter) and I'm finishing it." The have a foundation and part of it is offering free self defense classes to women. What a great way to bring something good out of a horrible situation!!
A is still enjoying his time in Texas!! He has done loads of

swimming, ridden a train, gone to a Star Wars exhibit and probably hasn't stopped talking since he arrived. We miss him terribly, but he is having the time of his life and doesn't miss us one bit (which we are very happy about!). Susie and the boys leave tomorrow to pick him up and stay for a week themselves. I really wish I could go, but poor me has to stay and work :( Let me pity party begin!! Since I haven't been snapping any photos this

week, I will post the ones we were sent of A.

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