Today we had the Finucane Service Project at Rockhurst University. My great-uncle was a Jesuit priest and spent much of his time at Rockhurst. When he passed away they started a service project and named it after him. It is incorporated into Freshman orientation so all the members of the entering class must participate. It has been going on for about 14 years and my family has been helping out from the beginning. It is a really great thing and a fun thing to do! We did have to duck out of the project just a little early because we decided to have an impr
omptu gathering of some of our friends for dinner. Susie was off work tonight (which is rare because she works every Saturday and Sunday night) so we decided to have 5 families over for pizza. It was a lot of fun to talk and hang out and the kids had a blast. Makes us wish she was off every Sunday so we could do things like this more often! The above picture is of Aidan two of his buddies...they are all in Kindergarten together.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Service Project
We had a busy day today and a busy/fun weekend all around. Friday night we went over to a friend of mine from high school's house, Serena. She and her husband Brian rececntly had their second daughter and another friend of mine from high school, Carrie, was in town so we all got together. It was great seeing them and I always have a great time around them all. Unfortunately Susie and Fintan we both under the weather so they couldn't make it. At the last minute Aidan was invited to a birthday party that night so he didn't come either. It was just Cian and I, but we had a great time. Some other KC high school friends (Maria & Fred and Kevin & Kristin) also came over. Saturday was kind of a low key day. We did go out and price a wood swing set for our backyard. The kids have been begging for a swing set and we have been dragging our feet. Right before we moved to this house we spent some nice change on a very nice swing set from Costco. It tooks us weeks to put together and we were very upset to have to leave it at our other house. We made the decision that we wouldn't have a swing set at this house because we are surrounded by nice parks and our back yard (side yard) is not very big. BUT, we find that the kids don't have much to do in our yard on the occasions that we want to sit outside on our deck. We have decided to look for a playset, but weren't very hopeful because we remember how expensive our previous one cost. Luckily we found a great set at Sutherland's and it will fit in our yard. I think we are going to buy it this week and hopefully have it up and running just in time for the nice fall weather to set in!
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