Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sleep overs and sickness

A had his first sleep over this weekend. He went to a friend's house for a sleep over/birthday party. We were very worried about this night and A kept changing his mind all week about whether or not he would stay all night. In the end, he decided to pack a bag as if he were going to stay and then decide when it was time for bed. We called the friend's house ~9:45 and they said all was going well. We didn't hear from them again. In the morning, I went to pick up A and he had a great time. One other boy was planning to stay, but he decided to go home around 11:00 and A wanted to stay. He says he never got scared and had a wonderful time. I am very happy it went well as I think Susie and I were more worried about the night than A was.

Today we planned to have a Super Bowl party for some friends, but A was up all night with ear pain. Then he got a fever early this morning and has been vomiting almost hourly for the rest of the day. Poor guy!! I hate seeing the kids sick because they look so helpless and pathetic. Hopefully it is just a stomach illness and he will be back to normal in the morning. Needlesstosay, we are no longer having the party tonight. I think our neighbors are now hosting and either Susie or I will go down there with C. So far C and F are just fine with no signs of illness. Hopefully it stays that way!

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