Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday A

A is 7 years old! I hate the cliche that "time flies," but it is true. It seems like yesterday I was pacing around a delivery room as they rushed Susie to the OR for an emergency C-section. I am very happy to not relive that moment again, but I am happy to celebrate A's birthday. He is such a great kid! Just today we were noticing how "big" he looks lately. What happened to our baby?

We had A's party last weekend (on C's actual birthday...his party is tomorrow, so I will post on that later). He wanted a pool party and we were able to find this great indoor pool rec center that allows parties. It was great and A loved it. Today he got a scooter and a watch so he has had a great day. We also went down to Union Station today and saw the Holiday miniature train set up. I love this time of year.

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