After lunch we headed to the Great Wall. What an amazing site. I feel like this was half the reason I wanted to come to China, just to climb the Great Wall. It was well worth it. We got lots of pictures. Susie dragged me all the way to the top. It is so much steeper than it looks in pictures. Needless to say, my legs are like jello right now! We got some cool gifts for the boys at the Great Wall! Tonight we are off to dinner with some families from our group. We have met some amazing families and it is neat to hear everyone's stories about what led them to adopt. A few of the families are on their second trip and have their first daughters with them. Many of the families have older children (10-17 years) and they are here too.
Tomorrow we are off to Nanning. We have to be ready by 4:00am. YIKES!! We have a bit of a rest day once we arrive. We will get Maeve on Monday and can't wait!! Enjoy the pictures. Believe it or not, the picture of the "urinal" is actually a ladies sqatty potty. It lays flat on floor. Public restrooms just aren't the same here. Another adventerous experience of Asia!!