Monday, November 23, 2009


We got some good news on the cancer front today. My dad's cancer has not spread!! He has a few treatment options to choose from and it sounds like he is leaning towards radiation vs. surgery. We are so thrilled to get this news. While is radiation treatment will be somewhat difficult, I'm sure, the end results sound wonderful.

My mom was able to get her biopsy done today too. She met with her surgeon this morning and while they were planning to do a needle biopsy in the office, the plans changed after talking for awhile. The surgeon felt more comfortable taking my mom to the OR and getting a larger biopsy. I'm not sure the exact reasoning behind all this, but it sounds like this process will yield a more definitive diagnosis. I am very nervous about the results, but also ready to see the whole picture so we can move forward. We will not have more information for 3-5 days, so the waiting continues. The waiting/work up period is painful!

Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts so far. Keep them coming!

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