Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall Wrap Up

I am going to try to do a better job of keeping up this blog!  Life seems to always get in the way, but I will give it a better try.

Since school started back up it seems we have never stopped running.  Aidan is playing football with 3 day/week practices and games on the weekends.  He took to it slowly, but after the first few weeks, he is really enjoying it.

Cian is playing soccer this year after a 3 year (?) break.  It has been fun to watch as Aidan never played soccer past 1st grade.  The 3rd graders are really quite good and actually have to follow rules of the game.  His team is doing okay in their league, so it is fun to watch them win some and lose some!

Fintan is also playing soccer and having a good time.  He is on a mixed team of some of his classmates and some other random kids thrown in there.  It has turned out to be a pretty good experience, so we are happy for that!

Maeve has just been along for the ride!  We thought about (for maybe 10 seconds) of putting her in soccer this fall, but quickly regained our senses and decided against it.  It would have been way to much for what she would have gotten out of it.  Maybe next year?/

Fintan and Maeve both recently celebrated birthdays!  Fintan turned 7 and Maeve turned 5.  Fintan had a rock-n-bowl party.  It was fun and the kids seemed to enjoy it.  Maeve had a family party and will graduate to a friend party next year!  I think she had more fun with her cousins anyway!  It was a nice night!

We are settling into our new home.  Slowly each room is coming together.  I recently finished painting our living room.  We got some new formal furniture from Susie's parents (their old furniture not needed/wanted in their new home), so it looks nice in our living room.  We are thinking about recovering it, but that will come another day.

Well that is it for now...

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