Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 3

All continues to be going well on the home front. Maeve has a good day then a not so good day. We think she is making good progress, but at other times we feel like she still is so unsure of us and her new home. We have noticed that large crowds seem to throw her off for the next day. Kinda of strange, but we think it is all the new people and everyone wanting to hold her. Our social worker has asked us to not have anyone hold her other than Susie and I, so we will try that and see if it helps. I'm sure it is confusing for Maeve to figure things out when all these strangers are reaching for her. Hopefully that will continue to get better. The boys are doing great and we are so impressed/proud of them. They have really taken to her and welcomed into our family.

Aidan had a soccer game this weekend and scored a goal!! He was very excited about that. We had dinner with my parents last night and celebrated Easter with them. The kids had an egg hunt in their yard and had a great time. Today has been rainy and lazy. Maeve (and me!) slept for 3 hours!! We had a fairly busy weekend so I'm sure she was very tired. Grandma Jane returns this week so we are all very excited!! Also after much fretting on my part, Maeve's US passport arrived yesterday! What a relief!! Now we can go on the cruise without any fears. Also they put Maeve's new US name on the passport. We were not sure if it would have her Chinese name or US name. We asked for her US name, but also read somewhere to in order to "legally" change her name, we would have to go to court. Anyway, it has the correct name, so I am thrilled.

Having fun with Cian and Audra.

Cian and Fintan trying to make a break for it.
The new princess and her princely subjects.
Very serious

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