Sleeping continues to be a stumbling block for us. While we were in China Maeve napped twice a day. Morning nap of ~1 hour and in the afternoon for about 2-3 hours. Some of this could have been related to the emotional trauma she was experiencing with the whole adoption. Who knows. Since we have been home we are lucky to get her down for a nap lasting 45 minutes. She appears tired at other times, but she just can't stay asleep. The same issues happen at night. She goes to bed perfectly, but awakens frequently (~5-10 times per night!) screaming. It is a weird scream because she doesn't appear to even be awake. She is still sleeping with us so it only takes a pat on the back or soft whisper and she falls right back to sleep, but it is so strange. Hopefully that will get better as she becomes more and more comfortable in her new home and new life! This whole process is such a guessing game for us!
She loves watching her brothers play computer games.
If Aidan could be holding, touching, talking to, playing with or around Maeve all day he would be thrilled. It is great to see him so excited about her. She loves him too!
Happy girl who loves her Easter basket. (Don't mind Cian in his underwear. Pants are always optional around the house for Cian and Fintan!)
OMG...we are having the SAME sleeping issues! What is all that about anyway? We are wondering what orphanages must be like at night...are they used to noise or does the quiet freak them out??? We feel like it is ALL a huge guessing game...even eating...everything is an experiment! Right there with ya!
Sounds like things are going great!!! She may be having night terrors - something that young children, adopted or bio, may have. I believe they usually lessen as your child becomes more secure and settled. We went through this (although only 1 or 2 times a night) when DD1 came home. Hard on the parents, but hopefully soon they'll be gone!!!
Oh, how wonderful. I saw your post on the Guangxi listserv--my daughter was also photographed with Flora in the orphanage... our gotcha day was Nov 3...
I shall add your blog to the blogroll on mine... Enjoy these days, they go by quickly.
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