Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Crazy week

This has been an interested week so far. We had a very busy weekend of baseball practices, high school graduations/pool parties and our niece's birthday party. On Sunday as we got home and were finishing up late baths and getting everyone in their pj's, Maeve some how managed to throw off her cast. YIKES! How it happened we still do not understand, but one minute it was on and the next it was lying on the floor. Her hand did not look good. Not that we would expect it to 2 days post surgery, but it was a bit scary for the boys. There is was ton of swelling and bruising along with the hundreds of stitches. So I called the ortho physician on call and took Maeve into the ED. Thankfully the ED was not very busy and we were only there about an hour and a half. She has a new cast now and unfortunately the emergency room does not offer the "colorful" choices of cast as they offer in the ortho clinic. So she has a very bland brown cast. Oh well. This cast seems fairly secure so hopefully it will stay on the next few weeks. I also hope her hand looks better the next time we see it...I'm sure it will. Other than that, Maeve is doing really well and the cast is not slowing her down one bit. We were just noticing how happy she seems lately. It will be interesting to see how she is in 6 months!

Currently we are a house hold of two kids...Cian and Fintan headed to the lake today with my parents. It is amazing how quiet it is around here without them. We are enjoying the break tonight, but I'm sure we will miss the noise by tomorrow. I know the boys are having a blast and we will see them on Friday. We went out to eat tonight as a special treat for Aidan since he had to stay home and go to school for the rest of the week. It was a nice dinner with four fewer hands around the table.

We are watching the finale of American Idol though I haven't seen a single episode all season. I used to watch it religiously, but obviously this has been a busy year so far. At least we are catching the last show so far it has been great.

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