Saturday, June 6, 2009

Maeve Update

Maeve has been with us for 3 months now and she is doing great. She has made so much progress it is hard to believe she is the same sacred baby we met in China on March 2nd. She is talking alot. Most of it is still gibberish, but she is clearly saying about 15 words and more seem to be added everyday. She is no longer running up to strangers and asking to be held, which is a great sign that she is learning who she is supposed to be with. Sounds like a weird "improvement," but it is very common in adopted children to be confused and open to anyone and everyone. Now she is much more reserved and sticks close to Susie and I.

Her cast was removed on Thursday and her fingers look great. There are still some large scabs covering her thumb and index finger, but those should fall off in the next few days. Until then, we are continuing to wrap her hand in gauze/bandages, but we change it twice a day and she can now take a bath! That alone makes life easier around here. We go back to the ortho surgeon in 2 weeks and they will probably make a splint for her to wear at night. Her index finger naturally wants to deviate over to her thumb and so that still needs to be straightened out a bit. All in all, it seems like the whole process was a success thus far so we are thrilled.



Don and Be said...

Good report!

Rebecca said...

Glad to see she is doing well! She looks just like Susie in this pic! :)