Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Some updates

We have had quite the Fall around here and I haven't had much of any time to jot down on the activities. Aidan and Cian have been playing football (A) and soccer (C). Both are wrapping up right now and they both have had great seasons. Aidan has scored two touch downs, but more importantly he has LOVED every minute of this sport. Cian scored a goal at his last soccer game (no pictures...sad) and he was thrilled. Both boys have also made some unfortunate trips to the ER. Cian fell into a wall (maybe was pushed by a brother, but surely it was by accident!) and became the proud recipient of two staples in his head. Lots of blood (heads are bleeders), but surprisingly little pain. Aidan then broke his left pointer finger during football practice. He only needed to wear a splint for 5 days, but it is still quite swollen and he can't bend it well. It is interfering with his violin!

Mr. A (#23) looking oh-so-serious as he lines up.
Back in early October we celebrated Maeve's 3rd birthday with a Dor@ celebration. She loves her some Dor@ and was happy to accept all related gifts. It was a fun night and perfect weather for the kids to be outside.
I think she actually understood what was happening this year. The cake was a work of love from Mommy. And by "love" I mean hours of stress and cursing (jk)!
Birthday girl ready for the party to start.
We have also visited two pumpkins patches. I personally find pp's to be lots of money for little reward, but maybe I am just a stick in the mud. The kids had a good time. The first patch was way better than the second.
Fintan posing with the swine.
Aidan growing and growing.
We attempted some pictures of the kids. Maeve's casts were not cooperating and neither were the children. These scenes always look picture perfect, but they are actually muddy, wet and pumpkins vines/stems have thorns. How did I never know this? Anyway, this was the best picture we got and we didn't waste a lot of time getting a better one.
Last weekend we had our Trivia Night at up the kids' school. It was a great event and this year's theme was "As Seen on TV." Our table went as characters from Cheers. We had a blast and though we were beat out by the Jersey Sh0re table (grrrr!), it didn't damper our night.

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