Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Madness

March Madness had nothing on Easter Weekend around our house. We were on the go from the minute I got home Friday night to the minute we all crashed on Sunday evening. Friday we had dinner at my parent's house for my mom's side of the family. Susie's parents were in town so they and her sister and brother-in-law joined us. We had a really good time and the kids were troopers staying up until almost midnight. Unfortunately for me, that did not equate to sleeping in in the morning. Saturday we had two birthday parties during the day, dinner with Susie's family and then had some out of town friends over for drinks that evening. Sunday the kids were up bright and early to see if the Easter Bunny had remembered to visit our house during the night. They were happy to see that he did deliver and even more surprised to see that he left eggs in the back yard for them to hunt. Too bad we were hit with freakishly cold weather (not helped by the fact that it was 7:20 in the morning!), but the boys didn't seem to mind the temperature (though the Easter Bunny did!). C is slowing getting the hang of this egg-hunting thing. We were then off to church by 9:00, had lunch with Susie's family at 12:30, late lunch with my family (my dad's side of the family) at 2:30 and we were all passed out on couches throughout the house by 5:30pm. All in all it was a great weekend, just a bit rushed. I think the boys were coming off a bit of a sugar high on Monday. Grandma and Grandpa babysat for them while I went to work and Susie slept (she worked the night before) and I don't think they were on their best behavior. Gotta love chocolate!! I had a hard time getting good pictures of the kids in their Easter get-ups. F was too on-the-go and was not about to sit still for a picture. These two are the best of the batch.

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