I think I have failed to mentioned Oswald in this blog. Well, he is a very important part of our family. He is our parakeet. He came as a present to the boys this past Christmas. I have always liked parakeets and always kind of wanted one. Susie had one (Petey) growing up and always liked them too. I knew nothing about taking care of them, but figured they can't be t

oo difficult and they aren't. They are a bit messy, but otherwise they are very easy. So if you are looking for a nice family pet that is not too hard, then a parakeet might be perfect for you. We just left town for one week and Oswald was fine alone. Compared to the large bill from the "pet resort" for boarding Leo, it is nice to have a pet that doesn't require lots of attention. Anyway, up unitl recently Oswald has been strictly a caged pet. But we have recently decided to get him out more and try to tame him. The kids LOVE him and t

hey are getting very comfortable holding him. He is getting more comfortable too. He only tries to fly off every now and then and he is not biting anymore. I have been told that if you are going to get a parakeet, then you need to get two because they are very social animals. Unfortunately they are also very loud, so I don't think we will be getting another one. Hopefully getting Oswald out every once in a while will prevent him from getting too lonely. Here are some pictures of the boys holding Oswald today. I love the one of

Susie and F because you can see F sticking out his little finger in hopes that Oswald will crawl up on it. Very cute!
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