We arrived at our hotel, the White Swan (soooooo nice!) around 10:30am, dropped our luggage and headed to Maeve's physical exam and visa picture. She was not happy for the picture and screamed the whole time, so the picture is horrible. Oh well! The physical exam is a total joke. It doesn't help that I am a pediatric nurse practitioner and Susie a pediatric nurse, but the "tests" they ran on Maeve were useless. The hearing test (if you can even call it that!) was to squeak a toy by her ear and see if she turned her head. Well, she is 17 months old, so if she sees you holding a toy by her head, she is going to turn it regardless of if it makes noises or not. Whatever!! Then the "doctor" who did the physical exam, just couldn't get over her hands and feet. He was making me very frustrated and he kept getting our guide to translate for him. He wanted to make sure we knew about her hands and feet (duh!!) and then told our guide that we need to make sure she has surgery when she arrives home. Wow, thank you for that wonderful advice. Anyway, Maeve was miserable the whole time and I couldn't get out of that rats hole fast enough!! Hopefully that will be our only poor experience in Guangzhou.
The weather continues to be chilly here, but better than Nanning. We had a great time today walking around the island and have already purchased some things. We mainly did a search of what everyone has to offer and then made our list back at the hotel of what we really want to get. We have lots of downtime this week until our visa appointment on Thursday so we have plenty of shopping time.
For dinner we met up with some of the other groups that we originally met in Beijing and headed to Lucy's (the "American" restaurant here). It was excellent. (I don't think I have had a bad meal in China) It was great to see everyone's babies and hear their stories. The adoption process is really an adventure and even here is China, every experience is different. These kids have been through unfathomable losses in their lives and their resiliance is inspiring. I don't honestly think I would be as strong as these children and to see them all so happy is pretty emotional!
After dinner we walked around some more and looked out over the Pearl River. It is gorgeous at night, all lit up with boats and lights. Our room over looks the river too and the view is amazing. We then found the play room in our hotel and let Maeve run off some energy. This hotel is just so nice and we are so happy to be here!!
Maeve's first plane ride. One down, three more to go until we are home!
This is the awful physical exam room that all adopted children must experience in order to come home. Thank goodness that is over!!
Our lovely room, much bigger and more up to date than Nanning.
Daytime view of the Pearl River from our hotel room. At night all the boats and buildings light up and sparkle.
Nap is done and this girl is ready for dinner. She ate an entire bowl of congee, a piece of fried fish, frech fries and rice for dinner. She can really put some food away!
Mommy and Maeve at Lucy's.
Enjoying the views of the Pearl River at night.
Having fun in the play room.
She loves the abicus. In some of her pictures we were given she was playing with one too.
Goodnight, I love Guangzhou!!
Hooray! you are in GZ and next step will be home! I am sure she will LOVE having three big brothers! Hopefully the weather will warm up a bit for you as well. Looks like Maeve has squeaky shoes on already - aren't they all such cute styles? (plus.....you can pull the little squeakers out if they get on your nerve!)
Enjoy your last few days and we will be looking for the Red Couch photo!
I truly enjoyed reading your posts, and getting to see pictures of your BEAUTIFUL little girl. I can't wait to see pictures of her when she meets the boys. I will pray for safe travel home and a smooth re-adjustment period to "American life" CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Denise Hollaway
I've been following along and am just overjoyed for you guys! You are such awesome parents and Maeve is so lucky to have you!! And what a BEAUTIFUL child!! Those boys will eat her up!
I should be grading essays but instead Im reading your blog. My wife was the one who went to China to get our daughter, and she said the physical exam was excruciating... the man there was prying children's mouths open. Apparently its all about expediency.
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