Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thank you for smoking!

We began our day with a bath and some skype time at home with the boys. The bath did not go well (again) as expected, but it was much better than the previous one on gotcha day. After talking with the boys, we ran downstairs to inhale some breakfast before meeting our group for a morning of shopping. We headed to the city center area again and spent some time walking around the mall and some shops. It is so rainy and cold here. This is not at all what we were expecting, nor what had predicted, so we are completely out of warm clothes. I have some pics below of this area. It is very nice and I imagine much better in warm weather. After shopping we were back at the hotel. We walked around a little and checked out the gift shop. We bought Maeve some clips for her hair. These broke in half the minute we got back to the room. Oh well! Maeve napped from about 2:15 till 5:15. After that we watched some DVD cartoons we had gotten her and just hung out in the room. We sent our laundry out for cleaning and hope to have our warm clothes cleaned by tomorrow! Tonight we ate at a Catonese restaurant. It was excellent and probably the best food we have had here in Nanning. The meal was still cheap (~15 US) and we had the place to ourselves. Maeve was able to run all over and we didn't bother anyone. Also no staring from strangers, which is nice. I think we will head back there tomorrow.

There was one group of men at a table next to us when we first sat down for dinner. They finished about half-way through our dinner and left. They all smoked the entire time. The smoking is another cultural thing here that I just don't understand. Everyone smokes EVERYWHERE. In the lobby, in the restaurants, in the hallways, in the elevators, in the cabs, on the streets, in the market, in the shops. Seriously, enough with the smoking. Susie keeps telling me I will survive, but I am not so sure about that :) Anyway, it is totally irritating, but another funny quirk about China. We continue to be amazed by this country and its culture everyday. It is a very special place and we are having a great time soaking it all in while we can. We know that someday this will seem like a blur and I want to remember every detail (even the smoking!).

Rainy streets of Nanning.
Coca Cola, universal in all languages!
Born shopper!
Checking out the lobby waterfall. Still not so sure about Mommy, but making progress.
Trying on Mommy's shoes.
Cantonese restaurant and stacking cups. Great idea to bring to China. Hours of entertainment!
She sleeps.


Alluneedislove25 said...

What a precious picture of her sleeping! Truly a gift from God!

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog of your amazing journey. I got emotional just reading about Gotcha Day so I can only begin to imagine what it must have been like for you! Congratulations on this true miracle! Cant wait to meet her! What a lucky little girl to be welcomed into such a loving family.