Friday night we went down to the Brookside Art Fair. It was completely jamm

ed and our double wide stroller was difficult to navigate through the crowd, but we managed to have a good time anyway. We were lucky to get a table to sit and relax at while we ate dinner. Then we did some more walking/art viewing and headed over to Foo's for frozen custard. After that some of our neighbors had an "art fair" party, so we stopped by their house on our way home. It was a really nice night.
In addition to Saturday being Cinqo

de Mayo, it was also our nephew Evan's first birthday. We tried to get his parents to name him Juan or Jose, but they opted against our suggested. They had a big first birthday party for him complete with pinata and the obligatory first birthday cake face shoveling. We had a really good time and it was nice to see some of Susie's old sorority sisters and their families that we rarely get to see. We were actually able to get a picture of (most) the kids that were at the party. I think there were about 3-4 additional kids that were either too little to get in the picture or too young to sit still long enough! I think Evan was a bit overwhelmed with the whole experience, but I think first birthdays are all about the pictures. Later

you can show them the pictures and let them see how much fun they had getting that cake all over their face. Evan raked in the presents and as Jane put it, I think our boys realized that Evan's house became a lot more fun of a place to visit!!

the birthday party, Susie and I headed over to some of our friend's house who were having a Kentucky Derby party. It has been a busy weekend of parties and today I think our biggest plans are to lay on the couch and watch the rain.

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