For my birthday we ventured out to a baseball game. Even though our local team is probably one of the worst teams in the league, it is still a lot of fun to go out to the park. It is too bad that more people do not support the Royals, because it really is fun to watch any team play (good or bad). This was the first trip for C and F. A had gone last summer to a game with me and my dad. They all loved it! We were in great seats and you can actually

see the faces on the players. I am used to sitting in nose bleed seats when I have gone to professional sports games in the past, so it is really great to go and actually see what is going on. The boys brought their new gloves in hopes that they would catch a foul ball. This was so funny to me because they can't catch the softest lob you toss their direction yet they thought they would hang on to a ball coming at them at 30x that speed. Even though we had just gone out to eat, we had to get the obligatory nachos. If you haven't been to a game in awhil

e you might not know that nachos are now served "mega-style." You get a massive amount of chips and two huge servings of cheese. The cheese to chip ratio is out of control. The kids thought they were in heaven, so I guess it was worth the outrageous fee they charge from stale chips and processed cheese! Anyway, it was a really great night and not a bad way to ring in my thirties.
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